Category Archives: HAPPINESS

Is utopia a possibility? “Lost Horizon” a synopsis of the original book and movie.

EDITOR’S NOTE: “Lost Horizon” This book and movie I stumbled across in my 20s. I even traveled to Tibet to get the feeling for the Hemilayas and Tibetian Buddhism, based on my love for this Ideal of a true Utopia. Enjoy this very short synopsis, presented to whet your appetite for the 1930s book or […]

Best Foods to Improve Your Mood & Libido.

Eating certain foods can improve your energy levels, your mood, your libido, and even increase testosterone levels in men. From oysters and dark chocolate–to pomegranates and dried fruit–here are five of the best foods that you should include in your diet to improve your mood and possibly lead to more steamy date nights! 1- Pomegranate […]

Overcoming Stress – by Jeff Bezos

People get stress wrong all the time, in my opinion… — Stress doesn’t come from hard work, stress primarily comes from not taking action over something you can have control over. — If I find that some particular thing is causing me to have stress, that is a warning flag for me. — What that […]

“ATOMIC HABITS” A Transformative Guide for Your Life – Book review & brief synopsis)

Atomic Habits — We can all improve our habits, some hold us back, and some can be good and transformative, making our life better and more successful. Hopefully, this summary will make you want to read the entire book by James Clear so you can develop Atomic Habits of your own! IF YOU FIND THIS […]


Meditation is often associated with Eastern religions but has been embraced around the world as one of the best methods for relaxation. Meditation is like a magical tool that can make you feel pleasant! Imagine a time set aside, just for you! A place where all the busy thoughts in your head, take a break. […]


WHAT IS MINDSET? Mindset comes down to consciously controlling your thoughts! Be sure to catch yourself when you slip into negative thinking. Immediately think of something positive about your life. (Gratitudes.) ———— Keep it “RIGHT” in your head! Keep your thoughts: • good, not bad • descent, not indecent Keep your thoughts full of faith […]

A Quick 5-Minute Illustrated Meditation & Breathing Exercise

  To initiate this meditation, let’s begin by cultivating gentle awareness within your consciousness. Have you ever wondered why we choose to focus on conscious breathing? Take a moment to observe how your belly, chest, and head respond as you reflect on your breath. What emotions do you associate with these physical sensations? Are there […]

Lessons from “Man’s Search for Meaning” taught by a Holocaust Survivor

Art print by German artist Otto Gross portraying the horrors of the Holocaust and all of World War II. ARTS&FOOD® BOOK REPORT – “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl Discovering the Meaning of Life and Resilience!  In the realm of psychology and personal development, few books have left as profound an impact as “Man’s […]

FIND YOUR NICHE–In Business, identifying your strengths.

Finding Your Niche How does a person identify and then leverage their core strengths? Everyone is naturally gifted at something, it is your strengths that make you unique. Teaching how to identify your strengths is the purpose of this workshop.  Then when you know and use your core strengths, you will be able to give […]