A Quick 5-Minute Illustrated Meditation & Breathing Exercise


To initiate this meditation, let’s begin by cultivating gentle awareness within your consciousness.

Have you ever wondered why we choose to focus on conscious breathing?

Take a moment to observe how your belly, chest, and head respond as you reflect on your breath.

What emotions do you associate with these physical sensations?

Are there stories you’ve woven about the intricate dance within your lungs and the depths of your body as you breathe?

Acknowledge that many others share similar sentiments about the act of conscious breathing.

Consider how an increased awareness of your breath and the gift of more oxygen could benefit you.

When can you integrate this heightened mindfulness and practice of conscious breathing into your daily routine?

Embark on a 5-Minute Meditation:

Allow yourself the gift of an uninterrupted 5-minute breathing space.

Commence by finding physical stillness, no matter your current position—whether you’re lying down, sitting, or standing.

Choose a posture that offers you maximum comfort, and gently close your eyes.

Shift your focus entirely to your breath, disregarding any distractions around you for this moment.

Surrender your body’s weight to gravity.


Breathe—appreciate how your breath and the oxygen it carries are vital to your existence for the next five minutes.

This 5-minute “breathing space” meditation is a valuable tool that you can utilize at any time and in any place to reclaim serenity, clarity, and self-assuredness in your life.

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