Best Foods to Improve Your Mood & Libido.

Eating certain foods can improve your energy levels, your mood, your libido, and even increase testosterone levels in men. From oysters and dark chocolate–to pomegranates and dried fruit–here are five of the best foods that you should include in your diet to improve your mood and possibly lead to more steamy date nights!

1- Pomegranate

Look no further than the humble pomegranate. Not only is this juicy fruit delicious but it is also jam-packed with unique benefits derived from antioxidants and micro-nutrients. Regular consumption of pomegranates’ vitamins and minerals can help counter low libido and pomegranates are also known to reduce stress and help your body to relax. Try adding some juicy pomegranate seeds to your diet and experience the health and amorous benefits they offer!

2- Dried fruit

Not only is dried fruit relatively low in calories, dried fruit also provides several essential vitamins,minerals, and natural sugars that give a quick energy boost. Some of the best foods to eat for this energy are raisins, dates, figs, cranberries, and apricots. Due to their high fiber content, they help stabilize some hormone levels in men and women, plus they have micronutrients, such as Vitamin E, that improve many body functions! Start your evening by relaxing with some dried fruit. It will improve your energy level if and when you are in the mood.

3- Dark Chocolate

Old wives’ tales have said for centuries that dark chocolate is one of the best snacks for romantics. Dark chocolate has many benefits, especially as a robust antioxidant it releases endorphins–improving your mood, and giving a boost of energy. One research study even discovered that after eating 60 grams of dark chocolate every day for two weeks, 30 volunteers experienced a four-fold increase in endorphin levels over their baseline. The flavonols found in cocoa are a natural pleasure-inducing experience especially when shared. Chocolate has always been considered a romantic treat and it naturally boosts libido in both men and women.

4- Avocados

Avocados are one of the best foods humans can eat at any time. This creamy, naturally well-packaged, and easy-to-access vegetable is full of vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, zinc, and vitamin B6, plus it is one of the healthiest fatty acids our bodies can consume delivering real benefits when it comes to improving our overall mood. It’s also believed that chemicals present in avocados can help increase libido. So if you want to feel “good”… add avocados to your diet!

5- Oysters

We have heard it a million times, men should eat oysters to enhance their virility! Well, when it comes to the relationship between the male libido and eating oysters–the answer for men appears to be a resounding… “YES, it helps!”

Oysters are widely renowned for their aphrodisiac qualities, and they contain high levels of zinc, which is known to enhance testosterone production. Additionally, the iron contained in oysters can improve male stamina. While there is not much scientific research to back these claims up, anecdotal evidence suggests that those who partake in these succulent shellfish have experienced marked improvements in bed. Men, if you’re looking to spice up your evening, plan some oysters on the half-shell at the start of your next romantic dinner.


Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how these five healthy and delicious foods can positively impact your mood and libido. Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants that help keep your whole body functioning optimally, and keep your mood high. Dried fruit is full of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates which give fast energy and improve many body functions! Dark chocolate is a super food that boosts endorphins and serotonin levels, flooding the brain with a blissful feeling and chocolate has always been considered to be a romantic treat. Avocados are packed with healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that improve blood flow in the body and deliver a warm glow throughout–thus improving your overall mood. For men, anecdotal evidence suggests, oysters boost testosterone levels and male stamina. Increasing T-levels improve overall masculine physiology–most generally love that result!

Pay more attention to what you put into your body by adding all of these five nutritious snacks to your diet. Your mood and your love life are likely to improve!


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