A personal invitation to read on. What this issue is all about!

“IT’S HOT” – July / August 2018 Issue of ARTS&FOOD® Starts Here

Dog cooling at a fan

The ancient Romans called the hottest, most humid days of summer the “DOG DAYS.” Their name came from astronomy. They associated the hottest days of the year with a constellation prominent in the summer sky known as “Canis Major,” and the brightest star in that constellation known as the “Dog-Star” or “Sirius.” You and I now enter these […]

Hello Sunshine and Summer! May / June 2018 Issue if ARTS&FOOD Magazine Starts Here

cover art may june

  As I write this column, the mountain ski areas around the US are all closing with the highest recent snow totals of the entire season coming at the end – several feet of snow fell on the last day at many ski resorts. Now we switch to get-ready mode for swimming, tennis, golf, and […]

MAR/APR 2018 ARTS & FOOD Magazine (Starts Here)

Blooming Crocus photo

Hello! March and April are “crocus season”, nature’s announcement that Spring is indeed coming. This winter in the US has been one of the most peculiar on record, from bone-chilling cold, snow and ice plunging deep into the southern states, to wicked nor’easters in the northern Atlantic states, to dramatic fluctuations in temperates, everywhere, from […]

JAN/FEB 2018 ARTS & FOOD Magazine (Starts Here)

JAN. / FEB. 2018 ISSUE STARTS HERE           (Photo by Jack A. Atkinson)   Whatever you do or dream you can do – begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe HELLO! A new year, a new day, a fresh start – another chance to get it […]

NOV/DEC 2017 ARTS & FOOD (2010-NOW: Re-Formated Magazine Starts Here)

Hello Sign

Nov. / Dec. 2017 ISSUE SCROLL STARTS HERE •  ‘HELLO’ from Jack A. Atkinson, Founder/Editor/Publisher of ARTS & FOOD Magazine! (You are viewing the New and Improved ARTS & FOOD Magazine at – Formerly ARTS & FOOD was published under the URL: Our expanded and re-designed online magazine has been created for all […]

MY LOVE OF ART: LOST BECAUSE I WALKED AWAY when I was young and impressionable + FOOD: Crispy Potato, Onion, & Mushroom Rosti

“Cedar Drawing” by Jack A. Atkinson, Ink & Brush on Arches Paper   I STOPPED MAKING ART DURING  “ADOLESCENCE POSTURING” –  THINKING I WAS NO GOOD &  I WAS EMBARRASSED TO BE AN ARTIST! AS AN ADULT, I LONG FOR THE LOVE I LOST. Editor’s Note: This issue has been adapted from The Painters Keys blog. […]

Jersey City, NJ’s MILLION $ VIEWS, A Perk for the Fourth Estate* on the Left Bank* of the Hudson

The View Out My Studio Window (Photo was taken November 13, 2010) ART: “ART is beauty experienced!”-Jack A. Atkinson An Essay By Jack A. Atkinson   The View Out My Studio Window (Photo taken November 13, 2010) It’s 7ish on Saturday morning, November 13, 2010. I have drawn the scene out of my studio window on […]

Thoughts on Thoughts and the High End Art Market!

HELLO! This is the first issue of ARTSnFOOD blog, which I think of more as a twice weekly newspaper column or a mini magazine. Enjoy and tell your friends about it. Now, let’s have some fun! ART Last night there was a very impressive contemporary art auction at Sotheby’s NYC. Many works bought by collectors over […]