The ancient Romans called the hottest, most humid days of summer the “DOG DAYS.” Their name came from astronomy. They associated the hottest days of the year with a constellation prominent in the summer sky known as “Canis Major,” and the brightest star in that constellation known as the “Dog-Star” or “Sirius.” You and I now enter these […]
A personal invitation to read on. What this issue is all about!
As I write this column, the mountain ski areas around the US are all closing with the highest recent snow totals of the entire season coming at the end – several feet of snow fell on the last day at many ski resorts. Now we switch to get-ready mode for swimming, tennis, golf, and […]
Hello! March and April are “crocus season”, nature’s announcement that Spring is indeed coming. This winter in the US has been one of the most peculiar on record, from bone-chilling cold, snow and ice plunging deep into the southern states, to wicked nor’easters in the northern Atlantic states, to dramatic fluctuations in temperates, everywhere, from […]
JAN. / FEB. 2018 ISSUE STARTS HERE (Photo by Jack A. Atkinson) Whatever you do or dream you can do – begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe HELLO! A new year, a new day, a fresh start – another chance to get it […]
Nov. / Dec. 2017 ISSUE SCROLL STARTS HERE • ‘HELLO’ from Jack A. Atkinson, Founder/Editor/Publisher of ARTS & FOOD Magazine! (You are viewing the New and Improved ARTS & FOOD Magazine at – Formerly ARTS & FOOD was published under the URL: Our expanded and re-designed online magazine has been created for all […]
“Cedar Drawing” by Jack A. Atkinson, Ink & Brush on Arches Paper I STOPPED MAKING ART DURING “ADOLESCENCE POSTURING” – THINKING I WAS NO GOOD & I WAS EMBARRASSED TO BE AN ARTIST! AS AN ADULT, I LONG FOR THE LOVE I LOST. Editor’s Note: This issue has been adapted from The Painters Keys blog. […]
The View Out My Studio Window (Photo was taken November 13, 2010) ART: “ART is beauty experienced!”-Jack A. Atkinson An Essay By Jack A. Atkinson The View Out My Studio Window (Photo taken November 13, 2010) It’s 7ish on Saturday morning, November 13, 2010. I have drawn the scene out of my studio window on […]
HELLO! This is the first issue of ARTSnFOOD blog, which I think of more as a twice weekly newspaper column or a mini magazine. Enjoy and tell your friends about it. Now, let’s have some fun! ART Last night there was a very impressive contemporary art auction at Sotheby’s NYC. Many works bought by collectors over […]