GOOD HEALTH needs GOOD SLEEP / COVID-19 is messin’ with our sleep!

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Whether we like to admit it or not almost all humans have a set, unvarying, constantly repeating, formula for our daily activities. It makes our lives less stressful, more convenient and alas more predictable. Humans naturally don’t want to use up their limited energy and brainpower on the small stuff. COVID-19 has changed the routines for most working people in the world and as a species, we seem to be universally paying a price for those changes in our ability to sleep well and through the night.

Bad Sleep Cycles.

From the increased time spent inside, to disrupted and altered daily habits, and even more cases of depression and anxiety—people everywhere are finding it hard to get good rest.

In fact, a survey of 1,000 people, by, found that more than 60 percent of people have suffered from poorer sleep during the pandemic. Many of them cited increased media consumption—especially the news—as resulting in their anxiety.

Overall, the view time of digital media and entertainment spiked by at least 40% in the last year. And on top of that, alcohol and marijuana use has increased, according to

So, can we return to good rest and better focus by reclaiming quality sleep?

Vox’s Terry Ngyuen conducted a Q&A with certified sleep specialist Bill Fish about ways we can improve our sleep since we are spending more time at home, staying safe, while working, schooling, and shopping from home.

He came up with 10 simple tips:

  1. Establish a regular bedtime and waking time. Follow this every single night if possible.
  2. Allow yourself to take a nap if you’re tired.
  3. Adjust to a healthier lifestyle, including more time for exercise and proper nutrition.
  4. Create a caffeine cut-off time. Try to move it earlier and earlier each day.
  5. Change up your bedtime snack, or eliminate it entirely.
  6. Time your workout routine when it makes sense to energize yourself.
  7. Use comfortable, inviting bedding.
  8. Find your preferred sleep temperature and keep the room well ventilated.
  9. Block out all distracting noise and eliminate as much light as possible.
  10. Reserve your bed for sleep and avoid its use for work or recreation.

In addition to these tips, remind yourself that this pandemic will eventually come to an end and we need to heed the recommended safty procedures when we do leave home.

Don’t worry about applying these sleep tips all at once. Start adding them “little-by-little” to your daily routine, normalizing each of the changes gradually, avoiding more anxiety.

Let’s do what it takes to get back to predictable and normal sleep patterns in 2021!


(Source: Information edited and reposted from content sent to us by Alex Mehr, PhD.)

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