COLORADO’s Centerpiece – DENVER Jan/Feb 2020 ISSUE

Denver, Colorado – Mile High City, the Youthful and Energy-Filled, Urban Hub of the State. It’s the main Gateway for America to the Majestic Rocky Mountains and the Continental Divide.


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WINTER IS COMING! – The thought of winter weather and snow on the streets can put fear into drivers all across the United States, but in Denver and Colorado, winter weather is the highlight of the year. The mountain resorts come alive with visitors from around the world,  with snowboarding, skiing, fancy ski clothes, and hot toddies on their minds.


I grew up in the South and it snowed about two or three times a year, but we always got one good 6 to 12-inch snowfall at least once a year. Everything stopped – no school – unessential businesses closed – and people stayed off the streets. For adults it was miserable, but for kids, it was the best 3 or 4 days of the year!

We lived on the side off a very steep hill, the main drive up was at about a 25º to 30º angle and there were 10 kids all about the same age living on the hill. When it snowed we would bring platters full of snow from the yards to make certain the downhill street had deep, hard-packed snow from curve to curve!

Then we had our version of the Winter Olympics, racing each other down the hill on sleds, and tubes, and plastic snow disks. My sister once tried to win the race using our mother’s silver tray from the punch bowl set. Yikes, she did zip down the hill, but there was hell to pay for that choice.

Wherever winter sports are king, snow means fun and Colorado is one of those places, with light, fluffy, powdery, snow and lots of hills… upon hills, upon hills ultimately reaching two miles high. Downtown Denver itself is 5280 feet above sea-level. That’s why it’s called “The Mile High City!”

We are going to explore the arts, food and interesting sites of Denver, Colorado. Denver has a history in the wild west but it has grown into a very youthful, dynamic and ever-changing modern city and we at ARTS&FOOD® are glad to be your guide.

Until later, Jack Atkinson Founder, Editor, Publisher of® Magazine

(EDITOR’S NOTE) We will produce this issue differently, we are going to post 4 articles weekly, instead of 30 articles all at once, as we have done in the past. all of the articles will still cover one subject (ie: Denver, Colorado in this Jan. Feb. issue). This approach is intended to keep the magazine site fresh and always changing.

On the Cover: Denver’s Cheesman Park in winter.

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