The Poetry of Art – Poems by Jane Costain

Small Windows picture

Jane Costain is a long-time member of the poetry group, The Gamuts. She has written poetry for many years and publishes selected poems in journals including The MacGuffin, Third Wednesday, and Front Range Review. With a MA in Creative Arts in Learning from Lesley College, Jane has taught in public school for over thirty years.

The poems in this collection reflect her special interest in art history and the time proven masters of painting.

(We have chosen not to show you the art visualized in Jane Costain poems. Poetry is the art we are featuring here, let Jane’s fine word-craft paint the pictures for you.)



after Édouard Manet’s painting


There she is—spread out

before you, naked

but for one shoe dangling,

an orchid in her hair,

a ribbon necklace—

the white glare of all that flesh!

She stares straight at you,

a bit bored by your presence, you,

just one of many. Do you even

notice the bouquet of flowers

from some admirer offered

by the maid fully dressed, dark skin

blending into the background?

Or the small black cat?

With those wide-open eyes

what has he witnessed?

What else is there

unseen in the shadows?

You focus on the pleasure

of what lies before you—

Olympia, who unlike you,

has nothing to hide.


after Marc Chagall’s painting


It is magical, this time, early

in the morning. The room revolves

in a kaleidoscope of colors—

red, blue, green, white. My friend

paints feverishly to capture all

on canvas. And I, with a cup

of coffee in one hand, hold a pen

in the other, as phrases in Cyrillic script

spill from a page of my notebook.

Inspiration pours freely as wine

from the bottle floating nearby.

The green cat licks my sleeve

turning my upside-down head

the same color that she is.

In this moment, I brim

with brilliance and a prism of words

spins within me. It is all I can do

to write them down fast enough.


after the painting, Henri Matisse


Day after day, she sits

in front of the open window,

shutters partway lowered

to shield her from the hot

Mediterranean sun.

Under the wide-brimmed hat

her hair is still dark

after all these years, her figure

girlish, spine upright

within the slim bodice.

No sigh visible

in her prim rigidity.

Yet bare arms hint

an incandescent yearning,

a yearning hidden in

the folds of the long skirt.

Evenings, under cover of darkness,

she crosses the now cool tiles

and removes her hat,

the confining dress

to lie in quiet solitude

until morning, when once again

she must ready herself

to make public her waiting.


after Vincent van Gogh’s painting


There appears no way out. I am surrounded

by tall trees. Small splashes of sunlight daub

the leaves as the light plays on the many shades

of green. Thick undergrowth buries any path.

I could keep walking and these woods might open

to a blue sky spread wide over a field of sunflowers.

But there is no hurry. An occasional bird call

or a slight rustle of leaves breaks the silence.

Lost in the woods, I find myself…at peace.


after “Room in Brooklyn.” 

a painting by Edward Hopper


On the table before a window

a vase secures green foliage,

its white flowers gleaming

in the sunlight.


In the shadows, a woman

in a rocking chair

stares down at her lap,

preoccupied with something

other than the flowers

or the view of the sun on rooftops.


She remains inert –

her dark interior

as sparsely furnished as the room.

Yet something

caused her to place

the flowers there –


perhaps a longing

to fill the emptiness,

open herself

to the vibrant world.

Desire waits

on the table by the window.

These poems are from her book Small Windows, Poems by Jane Costain, Published by Main Street Rag Publishing Company, Charlotte, North Carolina.

If you would like to enjoy the rest of these poems, you may purchase the book, Small Windows, Poems by Jane Costain, via email. Send your request (name, email address, post office address, a phone number would be helpful- but is not required, and the number of books you desire) to <>. A response will be forthcoming.


If you still want to see the artworks described, here are links to the paintings.

You must copy and paste the links.


Édouard Manet’s OLYMPIA








Edward Hopper Room in Brooklyn

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