Sustainable Fitness in Mind, Body & Spirit in L.A.

Small OM logo

by Kyle Norton

Sitting for hours drinking from the Internet firehose is quickly replacing many essential elements of the human condition. I suggest that a sustainable, fair, hopeful world starts with getting away from electronics and taking care of one’s own needs: chemistry of the mind, fitness of the body and wellness of the spirit. If our needs are unmet then how can we contribute effectively to the world?

It starts with a change in mindset, followed by deliberate action.

Human Connection / Fellowship

Our ancestors’ existence was characterized by extensive family and community interaction. Social media, email, and texting has brought radical change to human relationships and it happened in a split second of human evolution. The effects are still to be determined, but researchers see evidence that reliance on technology may bring harm. Use of mobile devices and electronic social networks has been linked to increased loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Further, evidence shows that loneliness and social isolation are significant mortality risks. All of this adds up to a clear conclusion: We need social interaction — and not via electronic devices but through old-fashioned, face-to-face talking and doing things together.

How do we make that happen? It takes leaving our comfort zone and making an effort to meet people. Here are a few ideas:

● Let technology help you. Look into Meetup and join others who share your interests in everything from reading, to painting, to martial arts, to science fiction, etc.

● Volunteer for a meaningful cause. You’ll meet others who share your passion.

● Ask a friend or coworker to lunch. (Leave your phone behind or turn it off.)

Physical Activity / Exercise

Plato knew the mind and the body are one entity, inseparable. A healthy mind, absent a healthy body (and vice versa), is impossible. In much the same way that tech use drains our psyche, sitting and staring at glowing screens for hours on end is unhealthy.

We all know the long list of benefits to exercise. Did you know exercise is a remarkably effective treatment for depression as well? Exercise is a healthier, more affordable treatment and preventative solution to many health problems and it comes with no ugly side effects. Walking daily or doing yard work are good places to start.

Attitude / Gratitude 

Gratitude is powerful. Through gratitude, we have better relationships, greater physical and mental health, better sleep, and more self-esteem. Messages of greed, cynicism, envy, and fear fill our world. It’s easy to despair. But gratitude gives us a remarkable way to calm our anxious minds.

Cultivating gratitude is similar to pursuing relationships and engaging in exercise, in that it doesn’t happen by accident. It has to be a conscious decision. A simple, effective way to do this is to keep a gratitude journal. Think of three to five things for which to be grateful and jot down a few notes. Do this daily. This doesn’t have to be grand oratory, just a few words on anything for which you’re grateful: nice weather, a friendly pet, friendship, or a good workout for example.


If we desire a humane world, then we must tend to our own vital needs. If we help ourselves then we can help others. True self-discovery and improvement both start with fellowship, exercise, and gratitude.

(Source: This essay is original content written specifically for ARTS & FOOD magazine. OM TYPE-DESIGN  is original art created for ARTS & FOOD Magazine, the definition of OM is from Wikipedia, and the video of OM being chanted is from YouTube.)

The guttural, throaty chant “OM”, in sanskrit “ॐ”, is the sound of your soul, your self within, and ultimately the vibration in sync with the universe, the truth, the divine supreme spirit, and cosmic knowledge. Everything in the universe is vibrating, OM puts us in sync with that universal vibration.


“Om” or “Aum” () is a sacred SOUND and spiritual symbol in Sanatana dharma now known as Hinduism. It is a syllable that is chanted either independently or before a mantra in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. OM has over a thousand meanings and one of them denotes ‘welcome to the gods’
In Hinduism, ॐ Om is considered it’s most important spiritual symbol. It refers to Atman (the soul or self within) and Brahman (ultimate reality, entirety of the universe, truth, divine, supreme spirit, cosmic principles, knowledge). The syllable is often found at the beginning and the end of chapters in the Vedas, the Upanishads, and other Hindu sacred texts. It is a sacred spiritual incantation made before and during the recitation of spiritual texts, during puja and private prayers, in ceremonies of rites of passages (sanskara) such as weddings, and sometimes during meditative and spiritual activities such as Yoga.”Om” or “Aum” is a resonating sound that vibrates your entire body, in sync with the vibrations of the universe.

The sound of OM  (AUM) being chanted:


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