ABOVE: Bing Crosby sings White Christmas, from the movie “Holiday Inn”. (Clip is quite long, consider listening to the audio while you go on through this issue.) TRUE STORY: At one time, I was the Corporate Art Director for Holiday Inns, International. A little known fact is, “Holiday Inn” was written, as a joke, in the project […]
Author Archives: admin
Book: Norman Rockwell: Behind the Camera $40.00 NOW SHOWING AT THE BROOKLYN MUSEUM Norman Rockwell: Behind the Camera During the first half of the 20th Century, radio brought news and music into American homes but the visuals, for adults, came through the mail, in the form of slick national magazines. The Illustrators who decorated these […]
Charles LeDray Mini – Sculpture at The Whitney ART – NOW SHOWING AT THE WHITNEY MUSEUM OF ART “workworkworkworkwork” by Charles LeDray One day last month I walked into the Whitney Museum on Madison Ave. in NYC, without knowing what I was going to see. I stepped off the elevator into the giant foyer […]
At the Vesterneim Norwegian American Museum http://store.vesterheim.org/product_info.php?cPath=35_39_340&products_id=2267 Sølje Brooch #2 (Silver with Silver Spoons) 3032 $66.00 This Museum Shop Gift Guide has quite a number of pictures. Enjoy these unique gift ideas and share this link (www.ARTSnFOOD.blogspot.com) with your friends. At the Field Museum in Chicago http://store.fieldmuseum.org/browse.cfm/2,32.html Lotus Slippers Red Cotton w/ Birds & Flowers / […]
Dali’s Priceless Ruby Lips Pin can yours for a bargain at Los Angeles County Museum of Art, red Austrian crystals and faux pearls. Salvador Dali designed these sensational lips in 1949 using Mae West as his inspiration. REPRODUCTION $110.00 http://shop.lacma.org/ HOLIDAY SHOPPING? Some of the most interesting and unique gifts anyone could ever desire to […]
Inspired by comic books, movie posters, surfer art, hot rod illustration, etc. the work of ROBERT WILLIAMS at Tony Shafrazi Gallery http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CSN9AUN_yM&NR=1 (FUN WITH artist TONY OURSLER, click on link above, use the back arrow to return to this blog.) There is a debate in the art world as to which city […]
Picasso “study of a hand” oil http://next.liberation.fr/arts/11011160-picasso-un-tresor-redecouvert# Click above to see some of the art on Liberation newspaper’s website use BACK arrow button to return to blog The South of France – Electrician Pierre Le Guennec, 71, and his wife, Danielle, have kept between $50 and $80 million worth of Picasso’s artwork in their cupboard […]
For Thanksgiving I give you two jewels until next week. ARTS Candide by Voltaire French Literature’s No 1 greatest Hit,”Candide”, recently celebrated its 250th anniversary. The New York Public Library had an exhibition, now ended, but the web site is still up and very enjoyable. Voltaire, through allegory, tells all – reading his book he wanted the […]
ART- Art Openings There were many art openings in the Chelsea Arts District of NYC this past Thursday, but 26th Street shined for me and was a good use of my two hours, the 6-8 pm openings. Lee Krasner, student of Hans Hoffman and wife of Mega-AbEx-Artist Jackson Pollock has her beautiful burnt umber Abstract […]
Detail of a Jackson Pollock drip painting. ART Abstract Expressionist New York currently showing at MoMA. October 3, 2010–April 25, 2011 When I say MoMA owns this genre of Art History, I mean literally that, THEY OWN ALL OF THE ARTWORK in this show, which is the largest amount of space MoMa has ever […]