New Age Garden, Egg, and Ham Quiche

Summer means readily available vegetables at the grocery, the farmers’ market, or your garden!
Our thought yesterday was if a spinach quiche is good, why not make a garden salad quiche?!?
With that goal in mind, we gathered together some fresh basil, rosemary, thyme, green onion stems, chives, lots of arugula leaves, mint leaves, and aromatic micro-greens… washed and dried them all… removed the stems and covered the bottom of a 9 x 9-inch baking dish with the salad greens.

On top of the salad, we spooned some Hatch green chili salsa and spread it around.

Next, we made the custard — 4 whole eggs, 1/4 cup +\- heavy cream (eyeballed it), a good pour of vinaigrette dressing, salt, and pepper, then mix until well blended.

Poured custard mix over greens and salsa.

We cut off a quarter-inch slice of deli ham and diced it into quarter-inch cubes.

We covered the entire surface with shredded cheddar cheese, sliced tomatoes, and topped the quiche with one-inch green onion bits.

Into a 400-degree oven it went for 45 minutes.
Pipping hot, let it rest, more fresh green onion on top, covered it, and put it in the fridge, on a hotplate, to allow the quiche to solidify overnight!

(Is this a quiche or a casserole? Does it really matter? It turned out great and tasted fabulous! Serve hot or cold… we prefer cold.)
Conclusion: You can turn a salad into a one-dish family meal / a new type of quiche for the 21st Century!

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