THIS SUMMER – America is on vacation!

SUMMER 2022 – What a crazy 2 1/2 years this has been, the Covid-19 Pandemic kept everyone cooped up and masked up… then came the craziest real estate buying frenzy in American history… then came the supply-chain crisis, Russia invading Ukraine taking a hit on oil prices–gasoline prices started soaring… China decided to lock down their largest cities due to Covid, and manufacturing went from a giant stream of products sent to the US, down to a trickel… somehow Taiwan could not keep up with the demand for computer chips, and guess what part is in almost every electric product made in the world today–computer chips! Of course, the Fed raised interest rates and inflation came roaring in–gripping the USA and the world.

What a mess.

Even with all of this confusion, most Americans (vaxed and boosted) are going out in public, unmasked, and saying to hell with the latest Covid variant. I think the plan now is Hurd Immunity after everyone finally gets it. YES, that seems to be happening.

So THIS SUMMER the whole country is on a VACATION (damn it) and nobody cares about what it will costs! This year–it’s a necessity!

ARTS&FOOD® is dedicated to helping you to be happy for the rest of your lives, no matter your budget. I will say it again, the budget has little to do with having the GOOD LIFE, it just gives you more options. If we cook our own food, rather than eating out, that choice alone will translate to only spending pennies on the dollar for the best possible food–and we provide the how to recipies.

So, home cooks, it is time to fire up the BBQ grill, ot grab your interstate map because the Summer of 22 is ALL about having some FUN!


Jack Atkinson




Social Media: IG: @artsandfood,  FB: artsandfood,  TikTok: artsandfood_

On the Cover:


Photo by Ann Atkinson



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