Author Archives: admin

PHOTO ESSAY – The Farmer’s Market

One of the great assets of summer is the Farmer’s Market. It is such a pleasure to buy fresh produce from these local growers, who sell their products directly to us. These markets are a visual and culinary delight to attend. For now, enjoy the warm days of summer and consider buying your produce from […]

The Guggenheim Museum – A Great Art Icon of NYC!

Knotted, Torn, Scattered: Sculpture after Abstract Expressionism (the current exhibition) The exhibition features sculptural work in the Guggenheim collection from the 1960s and ’70s by six artists who helped redefine the legacy of postwar art in the United States. The works in this exhibition—produced by Lynda Benglis, Maren Hassinger, Robert Morris, Senga Nengudi, Richard Serra, and Tony […]