Humans are Organic, Sympathetic, and Warm Blooded — AI is Cold and Mechanical

Currently, our lives are moving at a breakneck speed, the pace has been accelerating more and more as computer technology has changed everything. The news cycle has shortened to having breaking news every minute, our mail is delivered electronically within seconds of being sent, we can always be reachable through our cell phone tracking devices, our jobs all involve some sort of desktop office or computer program, etc. It seems every aspect of our lives has gone through major changes since the computer, internet, smartphone, and cloud storage arrived to make life easier and to simplify everything?!? The rate of technological change is outpacing our ability to adapt, comprehend, and cope. Let’s all remember we are beautiful organic miracles, living in what seems to be the Garden of Eden. There is a huge difference between mechanical and electronic tools and our organic life.

YES, we must keep up with technology to thrive, but let us all remember–our origins are organic and natural–our brain is only using 3% of its capacity–and our assignment is to continue creation, not simply regurgitate past information. Remember, we are Stardust, molded from the clay of this planet, sharing some DNA with every plant and animal on Earth, feeling the love, hope, joy, pleasure, and pain that make us human.

AI will always rely on our past knowledge and our instructions, but ultimately humans can live without AI!

Human vs AI.
– Humans are warm from day one, and our creativity often comes from human error, ie: accidents.
– A.I. is manufactured out of metals, and other materials, AI starts it’s useful life – cold – and is battery operated or plugs into the wall. AI functions on instructions and derives all responses based on existing data, plus AI is programed to NOT make mistakes.
We are human and never perfect.
AI is programmed to be perfect!
Being warm, fuzzy, and constantly capable of human error is the opposite of AI, and those qualities (warm, fuzzy, and capable human error) are what make us BETTER. Never being predictable, is OH SO HUMAN!
I love warm, fuzzy humans.
So let’s keep AI in the realm of labor-saving devices, and never in the realm of labor management.
(Opinion Column by Jack Atkinson)



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