ART Museum Shadow Prints Photographs by Jack A. Atkinson In addition to his digital output artworks, which Atkinson titles “Energy Paintings”,… An example of a digital “Energy Painting” by Artist Jack A. Atkinson the artist’s makes similar photographs. Using the shadows found behind, beside and below works of art in various museums, Atkinson captures the casts […]
Author Archives: admin
Artist Lamm created the normal Barbie because he “wanted to show that average is beautiful.” PHOTO: Nickolay Lamm / ART: A MORE REALISTIC DOLL FOR YOUNG GIRLS Artist Nickolay Lamm of has created a rendering of what a Barbie doll would look like if it better resembled a real teen. He used the Center for Disease […]
A post from “Huffington Post” that’s worth repeating, their link is below: ( ART: What Celebrity Icons Would Look Like With Cartoon Eyes! By Artist Rui Pinho You should try your own celeb/cartoon combos created from photos found online. Or, better yet, try out your family and friends with cartoon eyes! 1. Alfred Hitchcock with Casper […]
Hambleton’s Art on the Berlin Wall. Hambleton’s “Marlboro Man” Hambleton’s “Shadow Man” ART Richard Hambleton NYC, in the late 1970′s and early 1980′s, was the canvas for a street artist named Richard Hambleton. Long before “graffiti” was considered as “art”, long before graffiti art stars like Banksy came on the scene and long before […]
THE ARTS VALENTINE’S DAY “Life is better, shared with someone else!” Singer Songwriter, Michael Franti says it all in his song “Life is Better With You”._________ A Valentine’s Card for today’s modern romance! _________ Here are some Valentine’s T-Shirts from England that will make today special. Red Heart Comme des Garçons t-shirt,, […]
Detail, Ingres, General Louis-Étienne Dulong de Rosnay, 1818 ART Drawings Selections from the Met Museum’s Permanent Collection (Examples of how a few master artists made their drawings, including a selection of portrait drawings by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres {1780–1867}) – Last year the Metropolitan Museum of Art pulled some gems out of their vault of drawings. – The exhibition […]
“A Wild Ride!” By Jack A. Atkinson Ink on Arches Paper, Painted from Life, in Real Time, During an 8 Second Ride at The National Western Rodeo, Denver, CO EDITORIAL ON ART Deep Thoughts (On a cold day in the USA) Art (the visual arts) cannot be considered GOOD or BAD we can only ask […]
ART Photography of Snow A Walk Up To and Through a Park in Denver, CO on a Cold Winter’s Day! A Photo Essay by Jack A. AtkinsonThis winter has been brutal across the entire USA, but let’s not forget that winter’s snow is also a beautiful sight! […]
ART Balloon Dog & More! Jeff Koons’ balloon dogs are bringing record breaking prices at auction. Jeff Koons’s Balloon Dog has been lauded as one of the most beloved of all contemporary sculptural forms, having graced the rooftop of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, Venice’s Grand Canal, and Versailles Palace outside Paris. This past auction season, […]
Carel Fabritius (1622-1654) The Goldfinch, 1654 Oil on panel 13 ¼ x 9 in. (33.5 x 22.8 cm)(Image courtesy of The Frick Museum Press Department and the Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis in the Hague) The Goldfinch Painting by Carel Fabritius Oil on Panel (1654) & The Inspiration for the novel The Goldfinch The Frick Collection was the final […]